地方政府の財政赤字 ――国際比較からの示唆……土居丈朗(慶應義塾大学経済学部教授)
財政改革のための政官関係……牧原 出(東北大学大学院法学研究科教授)
<The Essays>
韓国近代詩人呉相淳――東アジアにおけるその知的形成……芳賀 徹(東京大学名誉教授)
イギリス歴史家たちの群像 ――イギリス人がヨーロッパの歴史を語ること……細谷雄一(慶應義塾大学法学部准教授)
イスラームとの私的な闘争 ――新・西洋中心主義?……池内 恵(東京大学先端科学技術研究センター准教授)
<The Essays>
窒息する文化 ――作品の公共性と著作権の横暴……渡辺 裕(東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科教授)
神話と舞踊 ――文明史試論(連載第五回)……山崎正和(劇作家)
Special Feature: The Challenge Posed by Financial Crisis
“How Questions of Sovereign Debt and Taxation Have Been Treated in the Past”
by Takuo Dome
–As can be seen in the writings of the classical British economists, financial matters should be discussed not in terms of the economy alone but also of philosophy.
“Japan’s Finances: Present State and Future Tasks”
by Toshihiro Ihori
–In order to avoid the danger of financial collapse, major changes in fiscal policy will be crucial, such as tax increases and reductions in government spending.
“Local Governments in the Red: Hints from an International Comparison”
by Takero Doi
–A comparative analysis of central government and local government debt in various countries clarifies what should be done in regard to local deficits in Japan.
“The Political Administration, the Bureaucracy, and Fiscal Reform“
by Izuru Makihara
–Since, under the developing two-party system, the stated policies of the winning party have received the mandate of the public, the party in power should be able to exert a stronger control over the Japanese bureaucracy.
“The Two Deficits Threatening the United States” by Akihiko Yasui
–In order to restore fiscal health, the United States will have to deal with the differing requisites of short-term deficits and long-term deficits.
“The Eurozone and Financial Regulation” by Toshiki Tomita
–Looking at the probable direction of European policies in overcoming the Greek financial crisis and strengthening the system of financial regulation.
“The Poetic Life of Modern Korean Poet O Sang-sun ”
by Toru Haga
“Dragon and Tiger Paintings in Japanese Art”
by Shuji Takashina
Correspondence on Current Thought
“Thoughts on British Historians”
by Yuichi Hosoya
“The Libertarian Mob”
by Mark Lilla
“The Vatican Shaken by Scandal”
by Alexander Stille
“Former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Talks with Historian Fritz Stern”
by Wolf Lepenies
“Hirsi Ali’s Personal Struggle with Islam:A New ‘West-centrism’?”
by Satoshi Ikeuchi
“The Tyranny of Copyright” by Hiroshi Watanabe
“Reflections on Building Japanese Teahouses in London and Taiwan”
by Terunobu Fujimori
“Some Thoughts on Money”
by Daisaburo Okumoto
“Mythology and Dance: An Essay in the History of Civilization” (the fifth in a series)
by Masakazu Yamazaki
–An attempt to trace our increasingly universalized contemporary civilization back to far-away ancient history and to see the history of human civilization as a coherent progression.
●デザイン/齋藤 寧
●翻訳協力/齊藤 寛、斉藤裕一、ジャネット・アシュビー