
公益財団法人サントリー文化財団・アステイオン編集委員会 編
  • 書籍:定価1047円(本体952円)
  • A5判変型・並製/250ページ
  • ISBN978-4-484-11230-5
  • 2011.10発行



Amazon 7net 楽天BOOKS





……ダニエル・ベル+山崎正和 〔再録〕

……ダニエル・ベル 〔再録〕




……苅部 直(東京大学大学院法学政治学研究科教授)


<The Essays>
……芳賀 徹(東京大学名誉教授)


……張 競(明治大学教授)






<The Essays>
……渡辺 裕(東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科教授)






Special Feature: Intellectuals in the Twentieth Century
In honor of the memory of Daniel Bell

The Liberal Pluralist
by Mark Lilla
— Daniel Bell died this past January. The author looks back at their intellectual interchange and considers Bell’s outstanding intellectual powers combining a keen societal observation with a prescient sense of future trends.

Daniel Bell and Japan
by Sumiko Iwao
— Daniel Bell had a deep appreciation of Japan’s traditional culture and arts. The author, based on their three-decade-long private and public association, retraces Bell’s contacts with and thinking about Japanese culture and society.

Retrospective: Danger and Hope at the End of the Twentieth Century: The Fate of Civil Society
Daniel Bell and Masakazu Yamazaki in conversation
— In this dialogue appearing in the very first issue of Asteion (Summer 1986), Bell and Yamazaki discussed society and politics in Japan and the United States paying special attention to Bell’s theory of civil society.

▼Bell and Yamazaki enjoyed a correspondence spanning twenty-five years. This letter from Bell on the contemporary significance of civil society was published along with the original dialogue, and now Yamazaki pens a reply a quarter of a century later.

A Respect for “Public Intelligence” Should Lead to Better Politics
by Takenori Inoki
— With the rush to specialization in academia, interest in intellectual circles in public matters is waning. But what Japan needs now more than ever is public intellectuals equipped with a public intelligence and public virtue.

The Self as Spectator: The Fundamental Intellectual Dilemma From the Perspective of Literary Theory
by Masashi Miura
— It is the task of intellectuals to unite theory and action, but they are fated to endure the dilemma of a perennial split and friction between the two.

Intellectuals and Society One Hundred Years After the Start of the Taisho Period
by Tadashi Karube
— Urbanization, mass society, academic specialization — these gained momentum from the 1920s. Due to ignoring such trends the intellectual activity of Japanese intellectuals faltered, but that tendency is still evident today.

On Tadao Umesao: Chaos and Analysis
by Mikiro Sasaki
— The formation of prominent anthropologist Umesao’s civilization studies, as represented in the work Ecological Conception of the History of Civilizations, can be retraced in his field notes.


The Nostalgic Poetic World of Kusatao Nakamura
by Toru Haga

Analytical Interpretation as a Creative Act
by Shuji Takashina

Correspondence on Current Thought

Two Contrasting Views of Hegemony From]]>erica and China
by Kyo Cho

College Education Adrift
by Takehiko Kariya

Growing Inequality in]]>erica: The New Gilded Age and Democracy at Risk
by Margarita Estevez-Abe

The Arab Spring and Western Europe’s Compromised Justice
by Hirotaka Watanabe

Two Models of Intellectual Activity,]]>erica and Japan
by Satoshi Machidori

On “The Selling of the President”
by Alexander Stille


Auditory Culture as Seen in the Melodies Signaling the Closing of Train Doors
by Hiroshi Watanabe

Cypress Trees in a Virgin Taiwanese Forest
by Terunobu Fujimori

“Man Can’t Live on Fireflies and Dragonflies Alone”: The Difficulties of Conservation and Anti-nuclear Movements
by Daisaburo Okumoto

Mythology and Dance: An Essay in the History of Civilization (last of a series)
by Masakazu Yamazaki
— An attempt to trace our increasingly universalized contemporary civilization back to far-away ancient history and to see the history of human civilization as a coherent progression.

Community Culture After the March 11 Disaster: Hope and Healing in the Disaster Zone
— This year the Suntory Prize for Community Cultural Activities was awarded to the National Drum Festival in Rikuzentakata (Iwate Prefecture) and to Cosquin en Japon in Kawamata (Fukushima Prefecture).

●デザイン/齋藤 寧
●編集協力/林 晟一
